My mind was now solely occupied with what was to come. I wanted it, really wanted it but didn’t know what to expect. Oh, I knew what might happen, he had enough options to choose from by now. But would it be any different to our usual sessions? Would I feel different?
A few times now, I’d had glimpses of a deeper satisfaction; not a physical one, but a mental one. Glimpses of a deeper calm when I gave in to my feelings and let my mind go where it wanted. Was this how it would be when I gave control to someone else; to him?
After an hour or so, I couldn’t wait any longer.
“Are you ready?” I asked him.“Yes.”
Showering slowly, I considered my mood. Butterflies, masses of butterflies. Not really horny though. The excitement was more mental than physical, although I knew that would change. Or would it? He could be patient, very patient. What if he stripped me, and made me stand in a corner for three hours? He wouldn’t, would he?
I knew what I was going to wear; one of his presents. A black waspie with suspenders, rich lace with delicate red strands; matching bra and briefs, black stockings, and heels. And the choker he’d once asked me to take off in anticipation of this event. I’d leave that for him to put on. I brushed my hair, applied a little makeup and scent.
When I looked in the mirror, a smile appeared on my face. I looked as good as I felt. Well, I thought I did. I saw I was a little flushed; it didn’t happen so much now. We were comfortable together, and it only really came out in the heat of passion. He told me he still found it cute. I was ready. As I walked down the hallway, I paused. I took a couple of deep breaths and smiled to myself; time to take the next step.
When I entered the living room, he had dimmed the lights a little, and put some music on low. I took a few paces, did a slow twirl, and stood still. I knew he liked to look at me; I liked him to look.
“Oh, Sally. You are beautiful. You do know that, don’t you?”
“I was happy with what I saw in the mirror, yes.”
“You should be. I am one lucky guy.”
“Not luck, Marcus. You deserve me. You taught me to love myself. And I deserve you.”
I walked over to him and held out the choker.
“Put it on the table and come and sit down.”
When I’d done so, he turned so we were facing each other.
“Happy with the rules?” he asked.
He reached behind a cushion, and pulled out another present, handing it to me. I started to unwrap it, finding a square flat box. Inside, a collar. Soft black velvet about a centimetre wide, with a fastening at the back. At the front, there was a silver knot, hanging from it were several fine slinky silver chains, six or seven centimetres long. I suddenly realised it was a tiny flogger.
“Thank you,” I said. “It’s beautiful.”
“That’s my gift to you,” he replied. “That is your submission. You own it. If after tonight this becomes a part of our lives, I can’t tell you to wear it. Only you can gift it to me.” He was looking deep into my eyes, his voice soft, but strong. “But when you do, when you put the collar on, or give it to me to put on you, you’re mine. Until I take it off, or you call safe, you’re mine. Yes?”
“Yes, Marcus. Yes.”
I leaned forward and kissed him gently. Straightening up again, I ran my fingers along the collar and held it out towards him. He reached out and took it from my hand.
“Stand up.”
He led me to the centre of the room and stood directly in front of me; close. I could feel my heart beating. He moved behind me, and I felt the collar brush me, as he draped it around my neck. He found the best place for it and fastened it. I could feel the silver chains moving against my skin.
“Is that comfortable, Sally?”
“Yes, thank you … sir.”
A shiver ran through me as I said the word for the first time. ‘Sir’. I’d never used it before, not in this context. Now I stood in front of a man who I was happy to call ‘sir’.
“Good,” he said, still soft. “Now you’re mine. You will do what I say, how I say, when I say. Until I say stop. You will only speak when spoken to. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
He kissed me.
“Good girl.”
Another shiver. He went and sat down. I stayed exactly where I was. I could feel his gaze following every curve of my body. I enjoyed it now, knowing how he felt about me. And with that confidence came a happiness, a freedom to show myself off. For him.
“Down here.”
I went down on the floor at his side and leaned against his leg. He started slowly stroking my hair, allowing it to slip between his fingers. His fingers found the back of my neck and stroked the skin. I was so sensitive there. A couple of times, I had to stop myself saying something that came into my head. No, I had to wait. What for? At first, I was on tenterhooks, expecting anything and everything to happen at once. I don’t know how long he continued doing this, but gradually the tension drained away. I closed my eyes, and let my body enjoy his touch. I concentrated on it, and the soft music in the background.
To be continued …
This is an excerpt from Sally’s Shadow, the first book in the Kinky Companions series. Available from the following outlets:
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